What is Credit Eligibility
4 - How to fix the "missing credit" issue as an ad ...
4 - How to fix the "missing credit" issue as an administrator
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Suppose Thomas Wong has changed his profession from from social worker to practice nurse practitioner and he's complaining that the credit he received for this course does not match his new profession even though it matched his old profession or the profession that he had when he took the course but let's say that he's calling to complain as administrator not as a learner but as administrator you can go to the user's account under user courses find the course that the user have taken under accreditation if you click on add credit the credit that the user would be eligible for based on his or her current profession will be displayed here so you can basically type in the credit now you can mark it as claimed so that the system will update that they have claimed it or you can make it as available when you make it as available what it will mean is that user will have a opportunity to claim the credit that you just made available the reason we recommend this is as a rule anytime you do anything as administrator we do not trigger integration whether it is a credit right back to your AMS or any credit integration with external systems such as ACS CME parse CPE monitoring variety of other external platforms we do not and will never call those integrations when the administrator perform an action instead because they made these two as available the user will be able to claim the credit that the administrator just made available so remember I added ANCC and ANCC pharma and the user can claim those now and it will go through a normal credit claim process let me know if that makes sense thank you
Video Summary
Thomas Wong, a former social worker turned nurse practitioner, is frustrated that the course credit he received does not align with his new profession. As an administrator, he can rectify this by accessing the user's account, selecting the course, and adjusting the credit to match his current profession. By marking the credit as claimed, the system will update accordingly. Alternatively, marking it as available allows the user to claim the credit themselves. This process avoids triggering integrations or external credit systems. By making the necessary adjustments, such as adding ANCC and ANCC pharma credits, the user can successfully claim the credits through the standard process.
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course credit
nurse practitioner
credit adjustment
ANCC credits
user account
how to fix missing credit
missing credit issue
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